Duration 11:2

How to Naturally Ovulate with Reflexology

Published 19 Feb 2020

Today, I’m going to show you a couple of techniques on how you can help encourage ovulation. I’m going to show you points on both the hands and feet. You can do whichever you prefer - or both if you want to! Before I show you the points, I want to add that you only want to be working these points between the first day of your cycle and around the time you think you ovulate. You don’t want to be stimulating the ovary point after ovulation. If you’re not sure when you ovulate - it will usually be around 13-15 days before your period starts - so think about how long your previous cycles have been and work until around that point. You want to begin by working the pituitary gland, which is referred to as the master gland. It controls the activity of most other hormones, so working this reflex helps to stimulate and wake hormones that may be a bit slow or not working properly. Next you want to be working the ovary reflex - by stimulating this point you are sending energy, helping to release any blockages, encouraging the ovary to grow follicles and release an egg. Begin by working the points separately, then work them together - this encourages the glands to work well together! Do this for a few minutes a day, at a few minutes at a time. How do I know if I ovulate? Look out for signs - - Look out for your cervical mucus - it should be a raw egg white consistency - so it should stretch between your fingers. - If you track your temperature, you should see a spike in temperature - You may feel a slight twinge or cramp in your abdomen when ovulation occurs - You can use an ovulation predictor kit, where you wee on a stick which will tell you if there has been a surge of the lutenising hormone which would suggest ovulation has occurred - I personally wouldn’t rely on these too much as you there is a small window of time and you may miss it with the sticks.


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