Duration 4:20

Lip-syncing is no longer allowed for chinese celebrities, strict regulations for boycotted artists

4 532 watched
Published 6 Feb 2021

On February 5, the China Performance Industry Association issued the "Administrative Measures for the Self-discipline of Performers in the Performance Industry", which will be implemented on March 1. This is the first time that the industry has clearly issued regulations on the employment of entertainers, the first time the regulations on boycott and return of "violating artists" have been clearly issued, and the industry's self-discipline management has advanced. DISCLAIMER : - Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, commenting, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. - Video contents are collected as well as translated from different sources into English. - We make these videos with the intention of educating others in a entertainment form. We do not own the images we use in most cases. Our understanding is that it is in correlation to Fair Right Use, however given that it is open to interpretation, if any owners of the images would like us to remove the video, we have no problem with that and will do so as fast as possible. Please send us a message on either YouTube or Gmail, if you have any concerns.


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Comments - 38
  • @
    @kimv19873 years ago They made strict rules for the artists, they should also make a strict regulations for fans who are constantly hating on celebrities, Violating their rights and privacy and destroying their reputations. 72
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    @theunbearablesiblings60713 years ago There must also a regulations for fans who keep destroying idols. Haters should be forbidden in The entertainment industry. 51
  • @
    @vaibhavidev65173 years ago Rather than getting rules and regulations for C-Artists... China Entertainment industry should have taken rules for fans... Toxic fans who ruins Relationship between artist causes property damage , invade personal space and bullying.... This plain BS putting more pressure on Artists ... 14
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    @icequeen56063 years ago I don't know why, but I don't have good feeling about this... it's like giving more weapon to haters and making artist even more vulnerable for attacks and mindless accusations.
    I think that Chinese entertainers(artist) are super careful when it comes to law and respecting rules, so this wasn't needed. It would be better that they strength law when it comes protection of artists rights.
  • @
    @ishtarock3 years ago That's great and all but when are they going to crack down on fans who cause damages and cyber bullies. They need an ethics group to monitor these fan base because they are a part of the idol industry, who cause irreparable damages sometimes. ... 10
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    @Cri123cket3 years ago This may be good...or it may turn into another tool to repress and control the artists. I’m inclined to think it will be the second. 8
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    @wanderingeast73153 years ago 👏🏿WE👏🏿 NEED👏🏿ONE👏🏿 LONG👏🏿ASS👏🏿 RESTRICTIVE👏🏿 REGULATIONS👏🏿FOR👏🏿THE👏🏿SASAENGS👏🏿AS👏🏿WELL👏🏿THANK 👏🏿YOU👏🏿 8
  • @
    @georginamaurer71293 years ago And I already thought the loop on the necks of haters and sasaengs needed not that they would help the artists, but that they would still help these people? I was expecting a meaningful thing to happen and finally harassing the celebrities, instead it would only hurt them even more. logic? It is not.
    Sorry my english.
  • @
    @ghem04773 years ago well and good , for that you can determine who is who ,, who has the capability to sing ... thats great , 8
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    @amberzou97093 years ago These regulations are lowkey giving me Gusu Lan sect vibes ✊ 6
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    @fatimamahomedi53673 years ago Well the artists r gonna be hella worked. Dyou know how difficult it is to sing and dance. I feel for them 1
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    @vaibhavidev65173 years ago I mean lip syncing is bad for those who always performe with lip sync.... But the artist who genuinely good but get sick what about them? They gonna force them to sing from sore throat to get more sick? That's monstrous.... China really turning into some sick jail now ... 3
  • @
    @adiiii68223 years ago So that means the Dramas will be not Dubbed and in the original voice of the Actors 8
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    @serelpaz60463 years ago Ironico se ataca a los artistas y no las causas, tambien permite que las empresas puedan abusar ampliamente de estos usando el miedo a ser denunciados aunque no hayan echo nada y tambien les permite hacerles bulling legalizando el boicott hacia ellos, permitiendo que aunque tengan la garganta lastimada canten en vivo aunque terminen arruinandose la voz y su salud: Es lo que yo he entendido.
    ¿No era mejor establecer, proteccion para ellos? Como que sea obligatorio que las empresas les concendan por lo menos dos horas de descanso al dia, en lugar de tener que confiar en otros compañeros de trabajo para conseguir unos minutos de reposo ¿Regular a los paparazi en los set de filmacion para que cuando una artista diga ¡Vasta! se pare de filmar si resulta muy invasivo, que establezcan un grado de seguridad para ellos en escenas que incluyan lastimarse, para que no solo puedan confiar en las empresas que los representan sino en el personal que los rodea, en vez te temer ser abusados fisicamente en el set? ¿No son los artistas personas con derechos, que nacieron con un talento especial y se esfuerzan mas haya que el promedio por sus sueños?
    Esto es cargar a los artistas chinos de responsabilidades y quitarles los pocos derechos que tienen ¿Puede una persona hacerse cargo de un millon de personas que jamas ha visto y nunca a conocido, cuando un padre no puede controlar a veces a su hijo adolescente aun teniendolo en casa? En lugar de condenar el boicot a las empresas y amonestar a quienes organizan una competencia fraudulenta y carente de etica. mediante rumores y difamaciones, esto parece fomentarla, deseo que lo que entendido sea un problema de traduccion o falta de compresion por parte mia o nada mas una especulacion sin sentido como tantas otras, y no en si lo que dice este video, porque sino esto suena muy mal para los artistas en China.
    Esta es solo mi opinion personal...ni siquiera se porque la dije, pero teniendo en cuenta que no estoy maldiciendo o insultando a nadie considero que tengo el derecho a decirla.
  • @
    @muryloy86923 years ago Demn....China is not messing around. Limiting freedom of expression without actually violating artists' rights
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    @wanderingeast73153 years ago Wait wait. Back the hell up, does this mean, these celebrities displayed in a video of concerns on violations did something to violate? I'm lost. 2
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    @kdcm66903 years ago Well, all this prancing girl and boy groups, with 2 dozen members, bye bye. 1
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    @carrieannmcleod52193 years ago Does the China Performance Industry Association have the power to end the long time, industry-wide practice of dubbing actors in their dramas? I'm surprised that the fans haven't revolted against such outrageous practice. ...
  • @
    @kimv19873 years ago They made strict rules for the artists, they should also make a strict regulations for fans who are constantly hating on celebrities, Violating their rights and privacy and destroying their reputations. 72
  • @
    @theunbearablesiblings60713 years ago There must also a regulations for fans who keep destroying idols. Haters should be forbidden in The entertainment industry. 51
  • @
    @vaibhavidev65173 years ago Rather than getting rules and regulations for C-Artists... China Entertainment industry should have taken rules for fans... Toxic fans who ruins Relationship between artist causes property damage , invade personal space and bullying.... This plain BS putting more pressure on Artists ... 14
  • @
    @icequeen56063 years ago I don't know why, but I don't have good feeling about this... it's like giving more weapon to haters and making artist even more vulnerable for attacks and mindless accusations.
    I think that Chinese entertainers(artist) are super careful when it comes to law and respecting rules, so this wasn't needed. It would be better that they strength law when it comes protection of artists rights.
  • @
    @ishtarock3 years ago That's great and all but when are they going to crack down on fans who cause damages and cyber bullies. They need an ethics group to monitor these fan base because they are a part of the idol industry, who cause irreparable damages sometimes. ... 10
  • @
    @Cri123cket3 years ago This may be good...or it may turn into another tool to repress and control the artists. I’m inclined to think it will be the second. 8
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    @wanderingeast73153 years ago 👏🏿WE👏🏿 NEED👏🏿ONE👏🏿 LONG👏🏿ASS👏🏿 RESTRICTIVE👏🏿 REGULATIONS👏🏿FOR👏🏿THE👏🏿SASAENGS👏🏿AS👏🏿WELL👏🏿THANK 👏🏿YOU👏🏿 8
  • @
    @georginamaurer71293 years ago And I already thought the loop on the necks of haters and sasaengs needed not that they would help the artists, but that they would still help these people? I was expecting a meaningful thing to happen and finally harassing the celebrities, instead it would only hurt them even more. logic? It is not.
    Sorry my english.
  • @
    @ghem04773 years ago well and good , for that you can determine who is who ,, who has the capability to sing ... thats great , 8
  • @
    @amberzou97093 years ago These regulations are lowkey giving me Gusu Lan sect vibes ✊ 6
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    @fatimamahomedi53673 years ago Well the artists r gonna be hella worked. Dyou know how difficult it is to sing and dance. I feel for them 1
  • @
    @vaibhavidev65173 years ago I mean lip syncing is bad for those who always performe with lip sync.... But the artist who genuinely good but get sick what about them? They gonna force them to sing from sore throat to get more sick? That's monstrous.... China really turning into some sick jail now ... 3
  • @
    @adiiii68223 years ago So that means the Dramas will be not Dubbed and in the original voice of the Actors 8
  • @
    @serelpaz60463 years ago Ironico se ataca a los artistas y no las causas, tambien permite que las empresas puedan abusar ampliamente de estos usando el miedo a ser denunciados aunque no hayan echo nada y tambien les permite hacerles bulling legalizando el boicott hacia ellos, permitiendo que aunque tengan la garganta lastimada canten en vivo aunque terminen arruinandose la voz y su salud: Es lo que yo he entendido.
    ¿No era mejor establecer, proteccion para ellos? Como que sea obligatorio que las empresas les concendan por lo menos dos horas de descanso al dia, en lugar de tener que confiar en otros compañeros de trabajo para conseguir unos minutos de reposo ¿Regular a los paparazi en los set de filmacion para que cuando una artista diga ¡Vasta! se pare de filmar si resulta muy invasivo, que establezcan un grado de seguridad para ellos en escenas que incluyan lastimarse, para que no solo puedan confiar en las empresas que los representan sino en el personal que los rodea, en vez te temer ser abusados fisicamente en el set? ¿No son los artistas personas con derechos, que nacieron con un talento especial y se esfuerzan mas haya que el promedio por sus sueños?
    Esto es cargar a los artistas chinos de responsabilidades y quitarles los pocos derechos que tienen ¿Puede una persona hacerse cargo de un millon de personas que jamas ha visto y nunca a conocido, cuando un padre no puede controlar a veces a su hijo adolescente aun teniendolo en casa? En lugar de condenar el boicot a las empresas y amonestar a quienes organizan una competencia fraudulenta y carente de etica. mediante rumores y difamaciones, esto parece fomentarla, deseo que lo que entendido sea un problema de traduccion o falta de compresion por parte mia o nada mas una especulacion sin sentido como tantas otras, y no en si lo que dice este video, porque sino esto suena muy mal para los artistas en China.
    Esta es solo mi opinion personal...ni siquiera se porque la dije, pero teniendo en cuenta que no estoy maldiciendo o insultando a nadie considero que tengo el derecho a decirla.
  • @
    @muryloy86923 years ago Demn....China is not messing around. Limiting freedom of expression without actually violating artists' rights
  • @
    @wanderingeast73153 years ago Wait wait. Back the hell up, does this mean, these celebrities displayed in a video of concerns on violations did something to violate? I'm lost. 2
  • @
    @kdcm66903 years ago Well, all this prancing girl and boy groups, with 2 dozen members, bye bye. 1
  • @
    @carrieannmcleod52193 years ago Does the China Performance Industry Association have the power to end the long time, industry-wide practice of dubbing actors in their dramas? I'm surprised that the fans haven't revolted against such outrageous practice. ...